Have plans for Sunday, besides wearing green? When I was younger (many moons ago) and lived at home, my mom always made corn beef and cabbage, yum! And we are not even Irish. We are Russian, Italian and Hungarian. I sure do miss me some corned beef. I think I’ll call my mom and see what she is up to on Sunday. 🙂 It doesn’t matter how old you are your mom’s cooking is so comforting.
If you have young kids, it’s pretty easy to make the day fun and exciting. You can start off the night before by making your leprechaun trap and finding a good spot for it in the backyard. When you wake up in the morning, read Green Eggs and Ham, by Dr. Seuss, and follow that with a green breakfast and a green glass of milk. Food color is your friend. Basically add green food color to everything and you’ll be in the spirit of the holiday! If you’re lucky and it’s rained the night before you might be in for a rainbow treat. Maybe make a road trip to find the pot of gold! For recipes and purchasing see the links below.
Donuts, Green Beer, Straws, Corned Beef and Cabbage, Gold Coins