I will start out this “Friday Finds” post by telling you what I “found” this morning. Having a cat and a dog is not always pretty. “Gifts” from the cat and dog are NEVER pretty. Without completely grossing you out, I will leave the rest up to your imagination. Let’s just say it involved a lot of cleaner, scrubbing, gritting of teeth and swearing under my breath. Ever have one of these mornings? Husband on a business trip + kids late for school + morning “finds” = single mom hell. My hat goes off to the all the single parents of the world. It is the hardest job on earth.

To honor the mom’s everywhere, single or not, Mother’s day is coming up! Well, in a month on May 8th but, yay gifts! Better gifts than what I encountered this morning. Flowers are fine but it’s nice to get something that is useful and pretty or that saves time. There are some really unique ideas for Mother’s day out there and it is never too early to plan a gift. Here are a few that I found:

I was meandering around the wonderful pages of Etsy and found these beautiful soaps from a shop called Satin & Birch. I love the little details and the bright colors. These may be too pretty to use, but it’s nice to know that they are there making your sink or bathtub more beautiful.

Do you or your mom have tons of snapshots and videos laying around? The task of organizing photos and editing videos takes up a ton of time. yourlittlefilm.com will take your collection and make a cute little film out of them. Great for themes, bithday parties, vacations, or baby’s first year memories.

And we must not forget the mom-to-be. I found this cool site for maternity clothes that will make anyone feel beautiful: moreofmematernity.com. I wish this site was around when I was pregnant. The mom-to-be deserves to look and feel chic and stylish. Because the more beautiful you feel, the more beautiful sounding swear words sound when they occasionally come out of your mouth. Trust me, it works.