If you saw my post about terrariums, you know that I love miniatures. It goes back as far as I can remember. My sister and I used to take our plastic horses and set them up in the weeds and grass in the backyard then snap away with our trusty polaroids. For all you youngsters, a polaroid is a type of camera that the picture actually pops out and develops in front of your eyes! Who knew that we were budding artists back then, I still have some of the pictures do you think I can sell them for millions? Doubt it! Check out some of these artists that I found.

I saw the Michael McMillen exhibit at the San Jose Museum of Art and fell in love. He even included smell-o-vision! You actually stood on a step stool and looked through the peep hole of a door to see the store inside. It was amazing.

ThirdEye by Michael McMillen

The actual miniature

FastCompany also recently had an online article about miniature artists. Here are a few of my favorites. You can see many of the artists right now at the Museum of Arts and Design in New York. Oh well back to reality…

Firing for Effect by Thomas Doyle

Flasher by Jonah Samson