I love eating fresh fruits and veggies especially in the summer. Last year we decided to build our own vegetable garden. We built two 4′ x 8′ boxes. Each season we switch out what we grow and try new things. Not everything is a success and it is definitely trial by error, we are far from experts! Our most successful crops so far have been broccoli and cauliflower. We had tomatoes which only did okay. We also planted leeks, peppers, herbs and cucumbers. This year our selection includes tomatoes, cilantro, basil, lemon cucumbers, melons, squash, eggplant, lettuce and a few other herbs. Sometimes we want to kill our dogs or the squirrels that dig in the planters but overall it has been a really fun experience. Our kids love seeing what new veggie is growing and eating it fresh off the vine. This year I hope we have a bumper crop that lasts all through the summer. We often rely on Sunset Magazine to help with ideas, it is a great resource. What are you planting this year? Any favorites that we must try or special tips on getting the most from your garden?