I love reading and getting lost in a book. I recently stumbled upon some art made from storybooks or words and decided to do some more research into this art form and found the most magical art all using books as a starting point. The first print is by Litographs, they produce books on posters. They are able to print the entire book on each poster. You must head over to their site and see all of the posters up close to truly appreciate the genius! I think this Peter Pan poster is calling my name.
This next piece is by Jeanette Woitzik. Appropriately it is called Storybook. You really must check out all of her art. Very magical and fun. This piece above was one of my favorites but they are all beautiful and fairytale like. I feel like I could jump on the page and sit on that bench.
The three sculptures above are by Su Blackwell, an English artist. She often works with fairytales and folk lore and uses subtle color in her diaroma’s.
This piece by Matt Cusick is not exactly using a storybook but he uses maps to make art. He uses a lot of c0llage in his artwork including maps and books. The colors he achieves without paint are quite amazing.
This last piece I found on Etsy. It is by Kelly Campbell. They are extremely detailed and you could probably sit for hours studying it. She does many other books, like Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings.
All of these artists are amazing and I would love to have any of these beautiful pieces. I think that I would build a glass box to keep it in because dusting it would be a nightmare! What art inspires you?