The last few weeks we’ve been doing a lot of gardening. I am an amateur gardener at best. I try lots of stuff and see what works. A few years ago we took out our kids play structure and replaced it with garden boxes, a bench and a fire pit. We were totally excited to start planting. What we didn’t realize is the big beautiful tree that shaded our kids area also made growing veggies more difficult. Live and learn! What I have found is that some veggies like the half shaded area. We grow cauliflower, strawberries, broccoli, leeks and a few other veggies here. Tomatoes didn’t do so well so we plan to set up another box on our super sunny side yard. I’ve also recently started tucking veggies into pots with flowers. On my front porch I am growing jalapenos and rosemary. I have a separate flower box that I’ve planted mint. Make sure to plant mint separately otherwise it takes over the whole garden. I have seedlings for basil, cilantro and chives that I plan on adding amongst flowers. I hope this year I finally figure it out and have a very bountiful season! If you have any gardening tips I’d love to hear them!