Welcome to Fall

Welcome to Fall

  It is starting to cool off a bit in Northern California and I’m craving a good Pumpkin Spice Latte! I want my whole house to smell like Fall and pumpkins, so I recently ordered several candles from Wax Cabin Candle. I light the Pumpkin Horchata candle and...

rocktober: what i love about this month

I’m a native California girl and I live for Summer. I can’t wait for it to arrive, and I’m depressed when it ends. I realize I sound like a whiny-ass, but it’s not my fault and it’s not fair that we can’t have sunshine and 78...

season switch up

Spring is here and I am happy to have things around me that feel like spring to me. I love having fresh flowers in vases, eating cool salads, and wearing flip flops (even without a tan). My house gets happy too with colorful throw pillows and rugs. I used to reserve...