Sudden impact – 2 day yard makeover

My husband has accused me of cheating on him… with our yards. He says I spend all kinds of time lavishing them with attention and I get all excited when presented with a fresh bloom. In another life I will be a landscape designer. There are a lot of similarities...

Comfy Guest Room

My daughter went away to college and when she didn’t move back home after the first year my sons went on a campaign to put a pool table in her room. So we did. After 4 years away, she came back home for a few months until she could afford her own place. Since...

psychokitty throws a california dinner party

I didn’t even realize I was being a psycho until most of my so-called friends called me that when I told them my plans for not one, but two, dinner parties in three days. I was thinking it was super efficient to entertain a couple of days apart since I was...

saddle up cowgirls

We just had Christmas in July at the studio! Two huge boxes arrived from our favorite fabric partner, Quilting Treasures. I was so excited to see over a dozen bolts of sassy western fabric, I almost did a line dance for the UPS guy. When I was kid my nickname was...

inspired in italy

I’m on an 18 day dream trip with my daughter who just graduated from college. We’ve seen more amazing things in the last couple of days than I’ve seen in California in years. California is a beautiful but young (like me) state compared to the rest of...

Support the Artists in the Cloud

I know all of you creative types know about Etsy, but if you consider yourself “creatively challenged” you may not be aware of the best place to shop in the entire internet Universe. (It might be tied with Zappos, which has more hot shoes than even I can...

Holiday sparkles

This year my Christmas decor is all about glittery, vintage-y, sparkly stuff. It started in October when I saw this sparkly silver reindeer that’s the size of my dog on display at Z Gallerie. While my judgmental self was thinking it’s way too early for...

falling for autumn

I was in Vegas last weekend celebrating my daughter’s 21st birthday (yes, I am that old) and amidst the assault to my senses– the noise, lights, stink and overall sluttiness –I came upon a very Vegas Fall display at the conservatory in the...

Simon+Kabuki iPhone cases are here

Our iPhone case designs are available now at – unfortunately there is not a Simon+Kabuki page or search option, so I set up this page for you to peruse our sassy designs. Just click on the one you like to go to the site and order it. They are...

Back to School… already??!!

Is it just me or does summer break keep getting shorter? My youngest starts high school tomorrow, which is a little hard to take. I mean, he’s my baby for chrissake. And my second one is off to college next weekend- a whole state away! And my oldest is starting...

my garden of inspiration

I decided to have my coffee outside early this morning. My backyard is absolutely glorious with blooms right now and I don’t spend enough time enjoying it. So I sat down for about 30 seconds and noticed that some plants are crowding others and I needed to do a...

July 4th overkill, more is more

We’re doing a swim party at my house for Independence Day and here’s what’s going down: I’m making white chocolate dipped strawberries with blue sugar, it’s super easy! I found an easy recipe at Barbara likes edible...

fishin' for adventure

Many years ago, I sat next to a cool grandma on a plane trip. She told me she was going to pick up her grandson and take him on his 13th birthday trip… to Africa for a safari. Grandma and Grandpa take each of their grandchildren for an adventure anywhere in the...

Dreamy chandeliers

While in NYC for the Stationery Show/Surtex, I lucked out and found myself outside of ABC Carpet and Home store. The storefront was vintagey-cool and the window displays were works of art. I spent a couple of hours soaking in the one-of-a-kind home decor collections...

Let the grad Party commence!

But he turned out okay. I love photo announcements with baby/senior pics… Whether you have a middle schooler graduating and you’re just having the fam over for a small celebration or you’re hosting a college grad party with a big crowd, there are...

gifts for grads…

It’s graduation time and I don’t care who you are, you know someone who is graduating from high school, college, kindergarten, or middle school. I’m lucky enough to have a kid graduating from high school on the very same day that I have another kid...

my womancave

My little “work room” had become a place to put crap so I decided to reorganize. I took all of the furniture out so I could get a fresh perspective on the space. Then I noticed that I hate the carpet that’s been in there for 10 years. So I tore it...

add a little sass to your birthday garden party

  Warm weather birthdays are the best. Period. Outdoor parties are my first choice for a wound up group of kids. They have space to expend their energy and messes can be hosed down. And the theme potential is enormous (you know how I love a good theme...

Eggsellent easter treats

I realize that Easter is in actuality, a religious holiday with great significance. But more importantly, it’s a holiday where you get to hunt for eggs and eat candy all day while wearing sassy spring colors and peep-toed wedges (cuz heels sink into the...

home improvement or total destruction?

I haven’t even finished my super sassy pink home office project (it’s 90% done, stay tuned!) and I started another really awesome/shitty home improvement project. It’s awesome because when it’s done I will have new floors throughout my house....

girl brains and boy brains, my interpretation

I got back late last night from a speaking engagement in Sioux Falls, SD. I got to hang out with a bunch of kickass women and talk about what we need to do to get a fair shake in our careers and minimize the mommy guilt all at the same time. The explanation for...

from crappy to snappy with a can of paint

I got the urge to re-design my home office so I emptied it all out and hated the carpet that was left. So I “surprised” my husband while he was at work and tore it out to see what was underneath. The surprise was on me, it was crappy plywood with lots...

inspiration is wherever you find it

So I’m walking to the bank in the cute little downtown-y area where we work, and what to my wondering eyes should appear but a gigantic tree wearing a sweater. No shit, that really happened today. I felt like I found a pot of gold or a twenty dollar bill in last...

Cute Totes for Spring

It’s pouring rain as I write this post, but I’m already feeling like it’s time for Spring. I think this year is going to be The Year of The Tote for me. I’m going to collect totes the way I collect sunglasses and shoes (okay, maybe not shoes-I...